Settings and Customization

The Settings area of the extension offers a range of amazing and useful features that can significantly enhance your workflow and personalize the extension to your liking. Within the Settings, you can explore various customization options that allow you to tailor the extension based on your preferences and requirements. These features include options to adjust display settings, enable or disable specific functionalities, set default behaviors, and more. By utilizing the Settings area, you can optimize the extension to suit your workflow and enhance your overall experience with it.

Theme Mode

Users can switch between light and dark theme modes for the extension interface. Here you can watch and learn the usage of theme mode.

Aim Mode

Users can choose between two modes for copying license keys – “Copy” or “Aim”. In “Aim” mode, License Buddy provides a crosshair cursor that allows users to directly click on a license key input field on a web page to fill the license key in input field.

Autosubmit on Fill

Users can enable autosubmit functionality, which automatically submits the form after filling the license key. Here you can watch and learn the usage of autosubmit mode.

Overwrite Keys

Users can choose whether to overwrite existing license keys or append a number when adding a new license with an already-existing name. Here you can watch and learn the usage of Overwrite keys mode.


Extension Width

Users can adjust the width of the License Buddy extension interface. Here you can watch and learn the usage of width extension mode.

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